sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2015

Franz will never get well

"She herself [Milena] had written to Brod in the second half of 1920, expressing her worries about Kafka, and was perplexed by his seeming incapacity to deal with life's practicalities. She had been with him to a post office and seen him almost unable to complete a basic transaction or tormented at the discovery that he had been given too much change. 'This world is and remains mysterious to him', she told Brod. With her typical passion, Milena declared: 'But Franz cannot live. Franz does not have the capacity for living. Franz will never get well. Franz will die soon. (...) I rather think that all of us, each and every one of us, is sick and that he is the only well person, the only person who sees rightly and feels rightly, the only pure person.'"

Nicholas Murray. Kafka. London: Abacus, 2014, p. 318-320

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